
Mama doesn't believe there's a man in the walls. But then, Mama doesn't believe in dragons, either...

stories of the supernatural

Shawn had it all...until the night his girlfriend abandoned him in a medieval tower and he woke up in 1314.

A modern musician in Robert the Bruce's Scotland...how will he get home?

Shawn seeks a way back to the future that was once his.

Shawn has spent two years wanting to be home. But the past has followed him.f

Selfishness once cost Shawn everything. Will selflessness do the same?

A race for the amulets that could save the world...or destroy it.

Poetry & Music

Original and Traditional tunes in Celtic styles

A story of love, loss, and love regained in poems and essays

New poetry in traditional forms

New poetry in traditional forms

New poetry in traditional forms


Habits for a Better Life

a gastronomic historic poetic music romp in thyme

a record book for students & musicians